A downloadable game

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"The world has not always been like this.

Scholars have pointed to the evidence all around us, found in the clouds below, within the layers of each of the lodestones, and--perhaps most importantly--in the sky above.

Yes, the birth of the twin moons above and the death of the Lands Below seem to be linked by a single event; perhaps the earliest recorded event in the current history...

They called it The Starfall."


Lodestone is a tabletop RPG currently in development by WriterMonkey games. Using the new SimplRPG system, the game is designed to be easy to play and understand for new players while keeping the depth that veterans love. The game is still in development and any and all feedback is greatly appreciated!

Things to Expect in the Near(ish) Future:

  • Beta campaign as seen at Heroicon 2018
  • Cleaned up and consolidated rulebook
  • Game Master Guide

The plan is that the base game will always be free; if you want to write your own campaign (or try the beta campaign to see if you like the system) just grab a copy of the rulebook, some character sheets, and go! Right now it is set as a "pay what you want" product for those of you that would like to donate towards the continued development, but you certainly don't have to pay a dime (and I don't expect you to if you can't afford it)!

Thank you for taking a look,



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Lodestone Beta 3-19.zip 983 kB

Development log